Antivirus installation: No allowlisting of iQ-VIEW required

An Allowlist (formerly known as “Whitelist”) is the opposite of a Blocklist (formerly “Blacklist”). Only explicitly desired websites, programs, file extensions, email addresses or even persons are entered into an Allowlist. 

Thus, everything else not included in the list is forbidden and denied access. Allowlists are ideally suited for central control of IT users or IT systems and they are used for e.g. firewalls, application permissions for individual computers and for controlling email systems.

When installing a new antivirus software on the same system that hosts iQ-VIEW, you currently do not need to allowlist iQ-VIEW, as it runs properly nonetheless. What we recommend, however, is to exclude the DICOM ports and the DICOM file (Imagebox) folder from the virus scan. Otherwise, false positive messages from the antivirus program may occur.