Now available: Software Bill of Materials

Unknown components of medical devices might lead to cyber security risks, e.g. databases, web servers or freeware components. Most large and public software buyers ask nowadays for a component list in order to better manage software components and risks. IMAGE provides now so called Software Bills of Materials (SBOM) in XML for your VIP customers' software evaluation and management.

An SBOM is a standardized list of all components and dependencies in an application. It allows us to transparently share with our users which third-party components are contained in our software, thus helping them determine whether their IT might be at risk and/or affected by certain security vulnerabilities.

We have created an SBOM for each component of our iQ-SYSTEM PACS* software suite: iQ-WEB, iQ-4VIEW, iQ-VIEW and iQ-ROUTER. The respective SBOMs are available in XML file format and can be downloaded in the Sales Partner Login Area on our website. You can find them in the corresponding product folders (Sales Partner's Area / Products / [Product name] / Technical documentation / Software Bill of Materials).

*iQ-SYSTEM PACS is a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) for the management, retention, routing, analysis and review of medical images stored in proper DICOM format and a system of interrelated software components. The components are: iQ-WEB, iQ-VIEW/PRO, iQ-4VIEW and iQ-ROUTER/PRO/PREMIUM.