Product Discontinuation showing old car end of life

Product discontinuation of iQ-VIEW/PRO 3.0 and iQ-LITE 3.0 / End of life for external software component MySQL 5.7

Our product version inventory has recently undergone its annual review to determine which software versions will be discontinued. This time we have only identified two product versions that will be retired next year.

On October 15, 2024, iQ-VIEW/PRO 3.0.0 (incl. meddix VIEW/PRO 3.0.0) and iQ-LITE 3.0.0 (incl. meddix LITE 3.0.0) will reach their end of life and will no longer be supported by us since these versions have not received any updates for the past six years. With iQ-VIEW 3.1 we have a stable successor in place and an MDR-certified version 4.0 is already on the horizon expected in spring 2024. iQ-LITE 3.2 has already become available in 2022 and is also deployed with the newest versions of iQ-VIEW 3.1.

Please note that we will no longer be providing support, activations, migrations or replacement licenses after the above date. In case your customers are still using iQ-VIEW/PRO and/or iQ-LITE 3.0.0, we strongly recommend taking action now and use the remaining months to update them to the latest version. To protect your customers` medical networks from hacker attacks and malicious software, it is essential to only use the latest software versions, security patches and operating systems.

If you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact your sales representative or our inside sales team at insidesales[]image-systems[dot]biz.


End of life for external software component MySQL 5.7

On a more immediate note, the MySQL 5.7 database system reached end of life in October this year and will no longer receive support or security patches. This affects our iQ-WEB/iQ-4VIEW products, which both include MySQL 5.7.

We are currently working on integrating MySQL 8 into our upcoming iQ-WEB/iQ-4VIEW version. In the meantime, you can rest assured that we will be vigilant in the monitoring of the MySQL security databases. In case any potential risk factors arise, we will inform you immediately.