
When planning to anonymize a lot of DICOM files for scientific use, there are a few tools to do this manually by command line interactions. Optionally, the user can load the data with a DICOM viewer and use the "anonymize" function which is implemented in several applications.

However, using either of those methods, the header data could be modified.

To solve this issue, we have created an easy-to-use Windows® application that does not modify any header tags except for the tags which shall be anonymized.

Installation and use


Download the installation file and unpack it to a folder of your choice, then run "DICOMAnonymize.exe".


Choose the folder which contains the DICOM files in the field "Input Folder". Then, choose the output folder and whether or not you wish to overwrite existing files.


Set the anonymize parameter and press "Start to anonymize".

Product Request
