Marie Curie Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
Originally, the Marie Curie hospital was working with heterogeneous systems, including both freeware tools and a multi-vendor environment. IMAGE’s Romanian sales partner, Data Management Solutions, accepted the challenge of implementing a web-based PACS system according to the hospital’s requirements.
“Maria Sklodowska Curie” is Romania’s largest children hospital which was inaugurated in 1984 as a gift made by the Polish government to the Romanian people. Since its beginnings, the Marie Curie hospital has been one of Romania’s most well equipped medical establishments. It is now comprised of a total of 466 beds and provides quality healthcare services to around 25.000 children from all over the country every year.
In 2012, the hospital started looking for an economical and scalable web-based PACS solution. Originally, the Marie Curie hospital was working with heterogeneous systems, including both freeware tools and a multi-vendor environment. IMAGE’s Romanian sales partner, Data Management Solutions, which specializes in medical imaging solutions for hospitals, accepted the challenge of implementing a web-based PACS system according to the hospital’s requirements.
Data Management Solutions first installed an iQ-WEBX trial version that was tested by the hospital staff for two months. The software was very well received and the members of the radiology department were very satisfied with being able to find all of their medical imaging studies easily and accessible in no time. As a consequence, the hospital decided to purchase iQ-WEB 10 shortly thereafter. Two weeks later, the system went live.
By using iQ-SYSTEM PACS, the Marie Curie hospital not only saves costs on film and file rooms, it also has quick and easy access to patients’ images. Studies can be performed anywhere and the results can be shared with other remote facilities.
Mrs. Mariana Coman, head of the radiology department at the Marie Curie hospital, stated, "We have had a very positive impact using iQ-SYSTEM PACS, both in terms of positive results and service quality. Immediately after the installation, all people who work in our department used iQ-WEB to perform their daily radiological duties. We intend to buy more iQ-solutions from IMAGE Information Systems."